Thursday, July 28, 2011


Time: 5:35PM
Place: car

Goodness knows im in no mood to travel now. :( but mi familia are on our way to the airport for a redeye flight to thailand.

Well, let me tell you how today went. I was texted last night by Starbuck's HR for an interiew supposedly for today,10am. (yay). I went there 1hr early since i planned to grab a quick coffee and have some me time, but lo and behold,

Got into an accident with this Black Vios. Can you believe this guy? He's asking for 25k for above damage (25K!!) and of course since im unemployed, i told him ive no money for that. He went down to 13k to 8k to 5k to 3.5k to 2k to even getting my cellphone instead. A lowly nokia, for his dent. Unbelievable. And he calls himself an attorney.

Anyway, we ended up filing for a police report (which shouldve been our first move in the first place instead of wasting time going to Toyota's casa and asking for an estimate).

So there's that.

And there's my exBf trouble but i wont say much about it anymore.

CestLaVie. No way to go but forward.

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