Monday, August 22, 2011


time: 10:40pm
place: bed ( again! T.T)

DAY 4. August 19. Cream Soups

I have to say i am getting used to the quiet mornings. I tool the above picture while having coffee outside a 711 store along E-com center. It's still quite dark and the air is still thick and cold. I love wonderful mornings.

For today's lesson, we were assigned to make different cream soups; New England Clam Chowder, Puree of Potato and Leeks, Shrimp Bisque and Cream of Asparagus soup. And, if given a choice, i'd choose a cup of hot, creamy soup over a thick slab of steak oozing with gravy with potatoes on the side, anytime of the day!

I have been a fan of it [SOUP] ever since i can remember. When i was a kid ( and 40lbs heavier!). I would make instant crab and corn soup (just add 1 egg!) and serve it to my family which is why im excited for today's lecture!

I am sad to discover that my shrimp bisque is still quite pale compare to the other group's soup, which is orangey on the verge of brown color =(

Oh well towel! More practice! More happiness =)

Cheers! Until the next! :)

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