Monday, September 12, 2011

All Things Potatoes! #1


Finally it's back to school time! The past 4 days went rather slowly, we all got pleeenntttyyyy of rest and come Sunday night, most of my classmates were already getting antsy pantsy, giddy with excitement to come to school. We got Chef Annali back and everyone's so kulit the whole morning, teasing, laughing and catching up, we probably just missed each other. 

STARCHES. We made all sorts of potato dishes. And apparently, we're off to do more tomorrow. *FART*
Some of these dishes are quite simple to make, heck a kindergarten student can even make these with his eyes closed. But then again, basics, basics, basics. 
 it doesn't get any simpler than this. 

 or this. it wouldve been better if this is ham and cheese croquettes. But no. just. plain. croquettes. with 
tomato catsup on the side. 

ugh. french fries, anyone?

 tourneed potatoes.

now this is a new potato dish for me. it tasted a lot like our local ukoy, since this is made up of onions and mashed potatoes. Quite salty and chewy and from what i learned, it is usually used as something to complement a main dish. Really yummy. 
Chef also made mention that we wont be having our regular class on Wednesday since a local TV channel will use our school to shoot a reality cooking show. So that only means... *YAY!* ALP!! Alternative Learning Program! Whooopeee!

Cheers! Until the next! :)

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