Friday, September 9, 2011

4days off!

time; 12:40PM
place: CBTL GB3

It's Friday noon and im having lunch by my lonesome here in CBTL. I have 8 hours to burn while waiting for the Manila Girls to time off from work.

Bummer bummer bummer why do we have to have this 4day break from school! It's a total waste. But well, i have to make use of whatever's on hand.

Dad again talked to me the other day, asking for assurance if i still think that getting into culinary school is a good idea. I told him of course yes, since i still think it is. Why?
1. I am learning. A LOT.
2. I am having enough free time to really know what i want to do, what i can do, what i should do and what i need to do.
3. I am getting to know a lot of people, thus gaining more prospective connections.
4. I am doing things i've never done before, like slave over a task and yet, see actual visible tangible output, compared to before where i dont really see the results .
5. With culinary, time flies. And I've never felt peace like this. It can get really hot, really busy, messy, cluttery, other chefs shouting barking orders, knives chopping, pots pans banging clashing, but inside my head, i only hear the sound of sunrise with seagulls squawking, ocean waves gently kissing the sandy shore.

Oh gosh, I think i'm being overly poetic and dramatic. Still, true story.

I can't even remember what i've been doing for the past 5 years and how fast those years just went by. I feel no resentments anymore as well to those who have hurt me or did me wrong in the past. I think i cured myself too much that i have erased and dropped all bagges already. Yikes. Scary thought.

Does this mean I am now an empty shell, swimming aimlessly along the wavy, tangly shores of life? I have yet again to fill the empty spaces.

This should be interesting.

Cheers! Until the next! :)

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