Friday, August 26, 2011


time: 3:52pm
place: house

DAY 7. Aug 25. SAUCES: Veloute

Again, ill be really honest. this is a totally new word for me. Although i have been eating my fish with this sauce for the longest time, i never really thought much of it. 1. It is lemony and buttery so i thought it's just err.. lemon and butter. 2. I pay more attention to the fish than the sauce. Apparently, the more important role here is sauce and the saucier and NOT the fish!

So again, we made about 6-7 types of veloute sauces. We have there allemande, supreme, mushroom, white wine, poulette and plain veloute. Chef had us fry pork chops to pair with these veloutes, BUT, we all got a bit too much tasting of it while cooking that we refused to eat more than 1 serving of the chops! At first i thought that when i enroll in culinary school that i'll gain a gajillion pounds, but im usually tired when i get home that i sleep right away, then i still cook at home for family, and it is quite tiring to eat and cook and eat!

Very tiring and very exciting! =)

Cheers! Until the next! :)

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