Friday, November 25, 2011

Tous Le Jours - Korean Bakeshop!

Starbucks MC Home. 

We all have our own guilty pleasures in life, me, i have the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning. And with good coffee, there's nothing like the wonderful smell of fresh baked bread not only in the morning but for the whole day. 

Last November 22, as I was making my way to deposit a check to BDO SM NorthEdsa branch, i can't help but follow the buttery, sweet, dough-y smell, and like one of them mice, the bread Pied Pipper lead me straight to Tous Le Jours.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Around the World! = 5lbs heavier!

November 18, 2011, Friday
France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia.. the list goes on!
Around the World, one dish at a time!

For some mundane, shallow and purely selfish reason, i always find myself complaining/ tweeting about my fear of becoming a fat chef. Trust me. I don't want to move from a size small chef's jacket to a size medium, but! a very (not-so) wise friend of mine (probably fed up from all the whinings) finally told me: You can't be a mechanic without getting oil under your nails or can't be a certified gym instructor and not have muscles. It just goes with the trade. And having said those, i threw all worries to the wind and just, eat cook. 

So what's new?
Chef RJ and his awesome transparent lectures


November 18, 2011, Friday
CBTL, Ultimate Mocha

While everyone's either getting married or proposing, or opening up their stores or wishing very hard, this legendary 11.11.11 for Oceana marks the end of another batch and the beginning of a new chapter for Wave 11. (*Sniff*)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Kitchen's Best!

So, it's another awesome Friday out with my great girls Carol and Zara for late dinner and we decided to check out and bond over cake at this newly opened ( actually on soft opening! ) cool, cozy place in FBGC, DKS building, Kitchen's Best Home Patisserie


The Pamana Experience!

November 6, 2011

So, it's a long, gloomy, rainy holiday weekend and ze familia decided to head out to Tagaytay for a quick RnR and to breath in cold weather. After hearing mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, we had dinner at the famous Filipino restaurant by Happy Ongpauco, Pamana. 

Twitter inspired!

Hello from a happy place again! I came across this photo via , and i just think it's soooo adorable, although yes, there's no snow here in the Phils, but still, it warms up my heart!

So anyway, this entry is solely for all my twitter favorites.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


So i'd like to share some of the tools that I've accumulated for the past 3months of my culinary journey. Aside from the usual:
  • peeler 
  • fish scale remover 
  • measuring cups 
  • measuring spoons 
  • fl oz measuring cup 
  • whisk 
  • rubber whisk
  • rubber spatula
  • wooden spoon
  • rubber spatula
  • Henkel paring knife

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Baking part 3!

November 2, 2011, Wednesday

For the third leg of our baking lessons, i know i've been going on nonstop about how fast time flies but i'll say it again. It went by so fast, it's only a matter of time before the year ends again. Despite my reluctant acceptance of my baking weakness, i can confidently say now that i am slowly learning how to bake. I've learned that with baking, one needs accuracy in measurements and trust in the chemistry of all ingredients to form to really come up with that perfect batch of cookies.

At first, we were taught how to manually whip dough mixtures but for this curriculum of pie and tart making, it seems we need to move on to using our handy dandy KitchenAid mixer!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ba Noi's!

October 27, 2011, Thursday
Ba Noi's Vietnamese Restaurant, Venice Piazza, Starbucks MC Home

So after my turning 26, it's my great friend of 10years++ Gayle's turn and we decided to grab a nice quiet dinner with another equally old friend, Charm. ( love love love!)

Gayle just came back from a trip from Vietnam and hasn't quite moved on from the awesomeness of their food so we made it a point to dine at one of Makati's hush hush awesome restaurant, Ba Noi's. ( i like that word, awesome. awesome awesome awesome!)

Turning 2-6, the whole shindig!

November 1, 2011, Tuesday

Again, no excuse better than it's been a very busy month, October for delaying all blog writing efforts. But since it's already November, i'm making sure that all that's gonna change! =)

So hello hello hello from a very happy place! A cafe with a good book and an awesome coffee =)

What's Cookin!

October 28, 2011, Friday
CBTL Residence, Makati

It's been a helluva whirlwinduva ride the past 2-3 weeks. I wake up everyday on autopilot, it's like i can't feel the days go by anymore. NOT GOOD. Gone are the days when i wake up giddy with excitement to go to school. NOW? It's like:
"say what? is it monday 4:30AM already?" cue twilight zone jingle. 

The lectures and recipes and cooking styles remain very much interesting but gaaaaah i can't seem to grasp the idea of really early mornings and i can't really say no to late nights. can i #firstworldproblems?